Hey guys!! many blessings,
Sorry I wasn't able to be on here for a while, had a lot going on with school but that wont be an issue anymore.
Kinda excited to be out of school, not only because of the amount of work that I no longer have to worry about but because of the amount of temptations and trials that are out of my way. While being in school, one is more susceptible to be tempted by the devil, whether its to get asked to attend a party or to simply be "put on" to the latest rapper, whatever the case may be, school is a major factor in ones spiritual life.
I don't know, but lately I feel myself feeling kind of far from God and I try to ask him to bring me back to him and to allow me to be engaged In this first love that I once found myself in but it seems to be coming to me slowly, very slowly. Then I try to think back and trace all the things i have done that could draw me away from God and well there are a lot.. Even the things that seem the smallest like a tiny lie or borrowing a pen, knowing you want it and wont give it back (aka stealing),the things that seem minor have the same weigh as any other sin. An example of this can be seen in Mathew 5:22. The Lord says that simply by being mad at your brother or sister is constituted as killing them, and well we all know killing is a sin (Exodus 20).
Many of us have been longing to have an experience with God and yearning to feel him once more, but there's something that doesn't allow you to get close to him and be found in the place you were once in but just ask him to embrace you and wrap you in his arms. He will take away every fear and everything that forbids you from becoming close to him again. Ask him and he will listen. Many times we are faced with things that will separate us form God and it may seem impossible to get back on track but he is listening always and will always be by our side despite how many times we may push him away or fail him. The love of God is endless and he promises to be with us.
This is seen in the bible when there is the Samaritan women. She can be a representation for some of us. Not everyone is facing the same difficulties or coming upon the same stumble block but as humans living in the flesh, we will ALL face a temptation and an obstacle to overcome. The Samaritan women wasn't the one with the best reputation around town, she even had her own time for getting the water from the well so that she wouldn't come across others. When God came toward her, she was surprised that he was interacting with her because they weren't from the same places so they typically don't associate with each other but because of Gods unfailing love and compassion this wasn't a factor influencing his nobleness. He asked her to get him water and promised that whoever drinks from that water will soon be thirsty "but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14. The Samaritan women had many men and was full of sin however the Lord extended his loving hands of mercy and still forgave her and interacted with her, why wont he don the same with us, sinners?
Dear God, please help me to become close to you once more, I want to feel your presence once more and be filled with your Holy Spirit. I want you to wrap me in your arms and I want try feel the warmth of your presence again. Don't allow me to ever be separated from you again, instead help me to know you more and be able to get away from the things that draw me from you. In Jesus name, Amen.
This is great!